
Posts Tagged ‘mini-squash’

Pick List this week (varies by location) :


A variety of mini-Squash - variety names to come next week!

A variety of mini-Squash – variety names to come next week!

Surprise Squash (aka Unknown)

Surprise Squash (aka Unknown)

Fragrant Parsley

Rainbow Chard, Rainbow Kale, Salad Mix with Nasturtiums

Baby Beets

Eggplant, Summer Squash, Cucumbers, Sweet Peppers



Scallions, with looong green, edible stems.


Mayan Habanero



The very last of the Tomatoes, mostly unripe.

018You can leave the Tomatoes out on the counter to ripen or you can try some of these recipes with the green Tomatoes: Fried Green Tomatoes, Pickled Vegetables (Tursija) (link provided by a CSA member), 25 Recipe ideas from Tipnut, and recipes from thekitchn.com.

We love hearing about how you are using your fresh, local produce to make delicious dishes! Please share here on the blog or on our facebook page so that others may get new ideas for using their veggies and thank you to those who’ve already shared.021

Pictured: Crimson Sweet Watermelon, Eggplant, Scallions, Hot Peppers, Squash, Tomatoes, Sweet Peppers, Parsley, Rainbow Chard.




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